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Monday, November 16, 2009 at 12:50 PM

Shame. What is shame? Shame appears when one does what he or she shouldn't do. i cannot understand why one cannot feel shame at all. Throwing your pride, your ego, your face just because of your stupidity, naiveness, or what? Are you just simply obstinate? Maybe i was wrong, you may be 'ignorant'. PLEASE quit doing what you are doing. PLEASE dump your wishful thinking. Find a meaningful goal. Don't shame yourself.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 9:20 AM

Finally! Pw is over. tormaent is over! this one year long project is getting the nerves out of me. Drafts upon drafts. rehersals upon rehersals. i do pray that god will give me good results though. god bless me!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 9:42 AM

 it's been s long time since i've blogged. well, everything is gonna start afresh. 

work. play. let them reorganise. i shall let my life revolve around three things. work. play. and the last thing is a secret

Thursday, May 21, 2009 at 9:39 PM

all tests are finally over for the time being :)
i belittled maths.
Didn't study.
dunno how to do.
bio was rather easy.
cos everything was application question.
jus the way i like it.
never like to memorise a whole chunk and vomit it out again.
can't think why some do.
love tiffany.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 10:49 PM

i hope no teachers visit my blog:)

at 10:25 PM

i malingered(to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc.) yesterday, well not totally, i was indeed a little ill yesterday, but not so ill that i have to go home. hehe..
so i filled up the early leave form with the reason being swollen nose and headache.. ridiculous, isn't it???
i wanted to play a fool.. naughty..
and i pass it to the admin to have it verified. (luckily it wasn't the principal) phew!
she exclaimed! SWOLLEN NOSE??
i replied, " YUP!" chuckling deep down in my heart
and she continued with some questions skeptically... i began to feel jittery..
another phew when she picked up her orange pen and signed it and a 100000000000kg stone lifted like a feather.
and i joyfully depart from the blue building :)

it took me thirty minutes just to get out of school!!!

at 10:05 PM

a blogger bell rang inside my brain, urging me to update... :)

it's been a long time since i updated my blog.
i'll have to dig out my brain to rediscover any interesting part of my life
digging.... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... ....... ....... ......... ...... ... .

nothing special abt the jc life..
two brain draining test chem and econs. didn't think i did well.
well nonetheless, today was a fairly good day :) gave myself an third grade rest after the nights of studying..

Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 5:19 PM


at 5:14 PM

i was a mischeivous hero yesterday. i turn off the mic so that a blind elephant couldn't burst the students eardrums in the lecture theatre. hehe....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 2:57 PM

ONCE UPON A TIME, there was a green wallet. in it was a ten dollar note and a two dollar note. the wallet boarded a taxi one fine monday, when he alighted, *poof* the two dollar note and ten dollar note became a ten cent coin..... isn't that amazing???

i have a confession...
i am the owner of the green wallet.

at 2:55 PM

hello!!! i'm blogging from my school computer lab...

Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 12:31 AM

please do not bother about the aspiration part. that's just for decor

the above 2 pics are my time table for last 3rd and 4th day of my mrach holiday.

the timetable wasn't a success too many things caught up.. can't bother to explain

Friday, March 27, 2009 at 11:40 PM

i have been screwing up my school life for the past month. piling tutorials, merely passed test ...
NOT what i expected it would be. i seem to be losing the zest to keep up with my work. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION don't bother me... test don't urge me to study. 3 out of 5 days i go home at 9++pm... picking up a pen seems like carrying a cow.. the brain stops functioning, and laziness lurks over you. all you wanna do is SLEEP!

yup, but i am gonna make changes right now... i must not be in the back of the group. i must score nearly full marks for all test to catch up with my mates. tutorials must be done before lessons. i must get the 500 dollars at the end of the year ( this is not my real goal) :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE THE CREAMIEST CREAM OF THE CROPPIEST CROP!!!!!

to do that i have to organise my time really well... which has a degree of difficulty for me. i'm not one who can follow timetables... and also pay attention during class!!! i remember in the start of sec 3, how i paid full attention in class. this is not a problem if the teacher is not a dull one... early sleeps are unlikely to work because of homeworks if i were to do them. so spirit is the thing, keep the learning spirit up...MIND OVER MATTER.
secondly, mine and many other's weakness.. play.
play can get me out of work mode for the entire day... so again, mind over matter... also some drive to lead me away from temptations... it's all about self-control.
thirdly eliminating the unhealthy habits that are hindering my growth
for example: 1)to visit the dear laptop at least once everyday even though there's nothing to do with it, then stay hanging in repeated websites when there's nothing to do online.
2)to sit in front of the appealing tv while doing homework. really really bad... sometimes switching on the tv when there's no nice shows. which also catches my attention somehow.
3) fidgeting when doing my work. i can start from sitting in front of the desk, and end up lying on the sofa. btw intervals of 15 mins, i take a stroll around my house.
i think that's all, i am not really bad.

Monday, March 16, 2009 at 10:51 PM

it is really weird to talk to someone that u know but you just can't remember how she looks like. and u are just talking to reply her... get the feeling???

at 10:34 PM

just wanna laugh out loud

at 10:30 PM

finally got the hang of mahjong.
guess what?
i won the first game i played
it is not purely beginner's luck :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009 at 9:22 PM


at 9:11 PM


Friday, February 27, 2009 at 11:59 PM

last sunday...
it's been a long time since i 've been to a picnic
it's really relaxing, when u can enjoy the sea breeze, little birds, the smell of the earth and water...
time passes really slowly there... as if it doesn't exist...
long for another one , perhaps with my peeps
more photos on my facebook :)

at 11:57 PM

this conversation sparked off with the song 'if i were a boy' by beyonce... :)

ongwanyingت says:
then what would u do?
تongwanyingت says:
if you were a boy?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i will do a lot of things
تongwanyingت says:
go enjoy NS?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i will travel a lot
تongwanyingت says:
so? girl cnnt travel alot?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
not very convenient
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i'll get a girlfriend
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
wah siaaa
تongwanyingت says:
then you go get a bf also can whattt
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
must be pretty pretty pretty one
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
and sexy one right?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
then dump her
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
the dumping part is not true
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
i thiought you so no heart one lehh
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
u leh??
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
i want to love a girl wholeheartdly
تongwanyingت says:
and wooohooooo, like go out in the middle of the night like at 3/4am
تongwanyingت says:
that kind
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
so now u cannot love a guy wholeheartedly
تongwanyingت says:
hahaha, if i get one
تongwanyingت says:
i will
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
but different lehh
تongwanyingت says:
if you're a girl, you like being look after
تongwanyingت says:
if you're a guy
تongwanyingت says:
you need to look after the girl
تongwanyingت says:
more responsilbilty lehh
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i seeeee
تongwanyingت says:
u leh?
تongwanyingت says:
what else will u do?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i will do lots of extreme sports
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i think i'll be the very sporty kind
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
and the very tan kind
تongwanyingت says:
and hey, i have turned darker):
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
not like u
تongwanyingت says:
my friends say that
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
i go to sleep le
تongwanyingت says:
cya sooon!
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:


welcome to my blog! believe me. you'll like it.;D enjoy you visit:D


go find out what's here yourself.

your turn.


many thanks.

layout @ glamouresque.
image @ one and two