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Friday, February 27, 2009 at 11:59 PM

last sunday...
it's been a long time since i 've been to a picnic
it's really relaxing, when u can enjoy the sea breeze, little birds, the smell of the earth and water...
time passes really slowly there... as if it doesn't exist...
long for another one , perhaps with my peeps
more photos on my facebook :)

at 11:57 PM

this conversation sparked off with the song 'if i were a boy' by beyonce... :)

ongwanyingت says:
then what would u do?
تongwanyingت says:
if you were a boy?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i will do a lot of things
تongwanyingت says:
go enjoy NS?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i will travel a lot
تongwanyingت says:
so? girl cnnt travel alot?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
not very convenient
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i'll get a girlfriend
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
wah siaaa
تongwanyingت says:
then you go get a bf also can whattt
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
must be pretty pretty pretty one
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
and sexy one right?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
then dump her
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
the dumping part is not true
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
تongwanyingت says:
i thiought you so no heart one lehh
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
u leh??
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
i want to love a girl wholeheartdly
تongwanyingت says:
and wooohooooo, like go out in the middle of the night like at 3/4am
تongwanyingت says:
that kind
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
so now u cannot love a guy wholeheartedly
تongwanyingت says:
hahaha, if i get one
تongwanyingت says:
i will
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
but different lehh
تongwanyingت says:
if you're a girl, you like being look after
تongwanyingت says:
if you're a guy
تongwanyingت says:
you need to look after the girl
تongwanyingت says:
more responsilbilty lehh
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i seeeee
تongwanyingت says:
u leh?
تongwanyingت says:
what else will u do?
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i will do lots of extreme sports
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
i think i'll be the very sporty kind
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
and the very tan kind
تongwanyingت says:
and hey, i have turned darker):
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:
not like u
تongwanyingت says:
my friends say that
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
تongwanyingت says:
i go to sleep le
تongwanyingت says:
cya sooon!
تongwanyingت says:
tiffany- let me lick ur screen yum yum says:

Monday, February 23, 2009 at 11:47 PM

it really gives me a sense of joy whenever i meet the prettiest cousin, or read her blog...
she seems so happy everyday, positive everyday.
she's not the ordinary teacher, i have a feeling she'll become a legend in the teaching sector...
i aspire to be like her:)
experience some of her, read her blog

Monday, February 16, 2009 at 11:06 PM

creating this blog makes me reflect and think about what i've gone through during the day.
which also teaches me lots and lots of little littlt things

for example,
i learnt that opportunities are not given, they are seized.
i used to think i knew it, but only today i begin to practise it.

i learnt that many times my plan isn't goin to be the plan, and i gotta get accustomed to the plan. i can't control situations, but i can control myself. be it my feelings, emotions, actions... ...
just like the one above,
i knew this, but didn't practise it.

there are still some more, but they slipped off my mind
these two are the most significant ones i learnt today.
i'll continue to post them when i remember
just to serve as a reminder for myself

this is not an emo post!!!
i'm writing in a rather joyous manner!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 11:37 PM

After sleeping on hard concrete and wooden planks for 2 exhausting days
i feel like i'm in paradise when i can type and use my computer in the comfort of my bed now.


tiffany:) back from tiring camp

at 11:23 PM

i've been begging my dad for a PSP since it first came out.
but like always, NO was the word. (he should watch 'yes man')

BUT one day... ...
one of the days during chinese new year.....
we went to uncle vincent's house.
and we played Wii. ( which i also tried to persuade my dad to purchase)

it was love at first play... ...
my dad fell in love with Wii... ...
and he added the new family member within a week... ...

i didn't thought he would invest in another game console
moreover, purchasing it in a matter of days after playing one for the first time
miracles do happen :)hehe

Monday, February 9, 2009 at 10:10 PM

i'm beginning to love jj more and more :)
but i'll love it wholeheartedly if i manage to get the subject combination i want.
it will be out by wednesday.
hopefully i get the one without geog.
nevertheless, i'm still really exultant to meet so many new friends and explore the school.

all the best to ME and all of my beloved friends:)
i really miss all of you !!!!!!!!

written by tiffany on cloud 9

Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 12:34 PM


Saturday, February 7, 2009 at 9:09 PM

met up with a really really old childhood playmate today
chatting with him makes me reminisce abt what we did in the past
i used to carry my box of brick-like toys and go to his house
we'll build a frog and other animals with my bricks
then we'll sit in the living room, playing with his dogs
make them do weird postures and pull them out from under the sofa where they hid from us
sometimes we'll play his educational computer games
which we'll play over and over again, not being tired of it
his features did not change one bit
but they do look smaller when he was young (becos he was fat) HAHAHHAH!
his dog on the other hand became obese like a huge black fur ball
enjoyed today very much
hope we can meet up soon!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009 at 9:08 PM

so busy, yet so little time.

Monday, February 2, 2009 at 7:33 PM

first day of school
woke up 6am, back from school nearly 7.

first day wasn't as exciting, wasn't as intriguing, wasn't as fun as expected.
talks after talks after talks, speeches after speeches.
butt nearly rot after sitting on the hard, cramped, tiny little wooden floor.

though it wasn't as fun, i still had a little little fun.
orientation group leaders were hyper enthusiastic.
mass dance was a mess.
i don't have a flair in dancing. DANCING???
i think i look like a handicap.

i guess tomorrow will be another tiring day too.
have to report to school at 7am

i have a dilemma.
should i take four H2s ( chem, bio, econs, maths)
which have the subjects i wanna take
but gives me a heavier burden
or three H2s one H1( H2: chem bio maths H1: not econs)
which is less stressful but the other H1 subject is not what i like

Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 2:08 PM

today, i washed my shoes and swoosh goes my shoelace!
i accidentally flush my shoelaces down the toilet bowl.
now my shoes got no shoelaces.
among the many pails of dirty water i threw away,
i threw the dirty water with my shoelaces in into the the toilet bowl
and i never saw it again!!!
isn't that amazing??!!


welcome to my blog! believe me. you'll like it.;D enjoy you visit:D


go find out what's here yourself.

your turn.


many thanks.

layout @ glamouresque.
image @ one and two