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Monday, November 16, 2009 at 12:50 PM

Shame. What is shame? Shame appears when one does what he or she shouldn't do. i cannot understand why one cannot feel shame at all. Throwing your pride, your ego, your face just because of your stupidity, naiveness, or what? Are you just simply obstinate? Maybe i was wrong, you may be 'ignorant'. PLEASE quit doing what you are doing. PLEASE dump your wishful thinking. Find a meaningful goal. Don't shame yourself.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 9:20 AM

Finally! Pw is over. tormaent is over! this one year long project is getting the nerves out of me. Drafts upon drafts. rehersals upon rehersals. i do pray that god will give me good results though. god bless me!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 9:42 AM

 it's been s long time since i've blogged. well, everything is gonna start afresh. 

work. play. let them reorganise. i shall let my life revolve around three things. work. play. and the last thing is a secret


welcome to my blog! believe me. you'll like it.;D enjoy you visit:D


go find out what's here yourself.

your turn.


many thanks.

layout @ glamouresque.
image @ one and two